This energy point presentation using the textual scream Nickeled and Dimed?


This energy point presentation using the textual scream “Nickeled and Dimed” will require an working out of the custom of poverty in the US. This would per chance per chance possibly also simply give the scholar the different to demonstrate advocacy and facilitate a belief for replace on the social and cultural stage. The framework for the presentation is the advancement of human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.

The total goal of this energy point presentation is so that you simply can be legitimate in expressing your views about class and socioeconomic build and how this book made you with out a doubt feel about your capabilities and desire to near in the social work discipline. This exercise presents you the different to mediate critically in regards to the subject condo being regarded as. Originate your opinions staunch by backing them up with facts. Keep in mind to make use of what you might per chance per chance well also simply bag learned as an professional social worker in regards to the realities of being born a unfortunate particular particular person in a field fabric world. It is probably going you’ll per chance per chance possibly possibly be expected to bag a title net page and want to consist of any references or bag a references net page.

Using the Example powerpoint hooked up “Jane Doe” to creating a powerpoint.

Fully use files/ references from “Nickel and Dime book and “Multicultural Social Work Discover”.

Must consist of intext citations from both books. Attain finishing hooked up “Powerpoint SW”

  • JaneDoeNickelandDimed-SW602.pptx

  • MulticulturalSocialWorkPractice.pdf

  • NickelandDimed.pdf

  • PowerpointSW.pptx

Nickel and Dimed: A Response

Jane Doe Example

What is Poverty?

Sooner than delving into advocacy, we must first question ourselves, “What is poverty?” One definition of poverty became said by Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed as:

For folk who are living in poverty their insist speaks to the expertise of exclusion, separation, devaluation, and designation as the “diversified.” Dejected of us are seen as lesser beings to be evaded, and arguably are excluded from participation in the political, cultural, and social mainstream of society. (2016)

In furthering our advocacy for these other folks, we must seek the nation-states of human rights, social justice, economic justice, and environmental justice.

Human Rights

All the contrivance in which by contrivance of the book Nickle and Dimed (2011), we’re presented with files about discrepancies within both giving and receiving of human rights time and time any other time. Human rights are these rights that are inherent to every particular particular person, are universal no subject variations between of us, are inalienable, and are “indivisible in that other folks are entitled to freedom, security, and a tight long-established of living” (Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed, 2016). Unequal medicine became portrayed in direction of women in the personnel, single of us, younger other folks, and extra when examining all of these in poverty. When noticing unequal medicine equivalent to this, we have two selections: (1) be a bystander and attain nothing, or (2) strive for an advancement of human rights and equality.

Advancing Human Rights

Despite incandescent the wrongdoings for every other folks relating to their human rights, how attain we encourage and imply for an advancement of these human rights and equality?

We can start up by simply making our files identified and making it identified that we’re no longer going to face for this extra or much less medicine to any extent further. By simply raising consciousness, we’re certain to salvage someone’s stare.

We can strive for replace. This replace can start up on the micro stage and work its methodology up into the messo and macro levels if satisfactory motion is taken.

Social Justice Realm

Within the social realm, there may be now not any longer a single, agreeable definition of social justice, reasonably competing options, beliefs, and subject issues (Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed, 2016). “Then any other time, in conducting this ethical mandate, social workers must grab with reference to critically evaluating and defining what is ‘correct’ in particular follow eventualities” (Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed, 2016).

Striving for Social Justice

How attain we strive for and purchase social justice for these within poverty you might per chance per chance well question. Though social justice is just not any longer going to persistently be performed (Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed, 2016), there are some actions we can soak up striving for social justice for poverty-afflicted of us. These actions consist of:

Standing up for of us after we peep injustice taking space.

Compose insurance policies within our own practices and the practices we work at to enhance equal justice.

Support workshops and seminars to prolong our own consciousness so we can prolong that of others.


To begin up, what is economics?

Economics is “a social science concerned chiefly with description and prognosis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and companies and products” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.).

The economics within someone’s life is also the deciding factor for their social class.

“Within the condo of diagnosis, it has been learned that the attribution of a client’s complications to psychological illness is extra likely to occur when the particular person’s history suggests a decrease in decision to the next socioeconomic class” (Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed, 2016).

On on the present time and age, economic build is used to portray and elaborate of us.

When economical concerns are alive to, equal distribution is just not any longer persistently the case.

Striving for Financial Justice

When talking about economic justice, what does that in truth mean?

It methodology we, as social workers, are positioned in a decided space to engage vary and incompatibility in follow (Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed, 2016).

It methodology no longer instead of someone from healthcare, psychological care, and society completely primarily primarily primarily based on their socioeconomic build.

Advocating for equal pay between genders, ethnicities, cultures, gender identities, religions, etc.

Standing up, supporting, and making your files identified. Let the wrongdoers know you’re responsive to their actions and intentions.

Environmental Justice

When taking into account environmental justice, it is continuously concept to easiest be someone’s physical surroundings. What if I said this became no longer correct? An atmosphere has to be checked out from all angles including their psychological surroundings and physical surroundings. “If our profession hopes to brand human habits in the social atmosphere and effectively and sensitively support diverse potentialities, it may possibly not neglect any stage of identification” (Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed, 2016). In increasing on this, we must pay shut attention to the social atmosphere of these in poverty. They’re continuously faced with medicine of being decrease than or no longer as worthy due to their unfortunate environmental surroundings.

Striving for Environmental Justice

What attain we attain in efforts to near environmental justice?

We can start up by examining our own environments and finishing self-assessments (Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed, 2016). The extra we know about ourselves, the extra we’re going in advise to follow these files looking out for abilities to others.

Prepare and grab part in activities for these in poverty. Trust fundraisers, town events, and neighborhood activities to toughen the atmosphere.

Originate display conceal of the atmosphere of us grew/are rising up in. This would per chance per chance possibly also simply extremely affect every facet of their life.

Don’t diminish variations that arise between environmental surroundings (Sue, Rasheed, & Rasheed, 2016).


Ehrenreich, B. (2011). Nickel and dimed: On no longer getting by in The US, (10th Anniversary Ed.). Unique York, NY: Picador.

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.) Economics. In dictionary. Retrieved October 24, 2019, from

Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work follow. (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.




Title Web scream Copyright Preface

About the Authors Share I: Solutions and Assumptions of Multicultural Social Work Discover

Chapter 1: Cultural Diversity and Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover

Overview Voices of Diversity and Marginalization Diversification of the USA and Implications for Social Work

The More than one Dimensions of Human Id Particular particular person and Fashionable Biases in Social Work Multicultural Challenges in Social Work Discover Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover

Summary References

Chapter 2: Theoretical Foundations for Multicultural Social Work Discover

Overview Theoretical Views for Competent Multicultural Social Work Discover Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover

Summary References

Chapter 3: Becoming Culturally Competent in Social Work Discover

Overview Defining Cultural Competence in Social Work Discover Four Components of Cultural Competence

Working Definition of Cultural Competence Multidimensional Model of Cultural Competence in Social Work What Is Multicultural Social Work Discover? Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover

Summary References

Share II: Systemic Oppression and Social Justice

Chapter 4: Thought the Sociopolitical Implications of Oppression and Energy in Social Work Discover

Overview A Clash of Expectations

Effects of Historic and Contemporary Oppression Ethnocentric Monoculturalism Historic Manifestations of Ethnocentric Monoculturalism



Impact of Ethnocentric Monoculturalism in Helping Relationships Credibility, Expertness, and Trustworthiness in Multicultural Social Work Discover

Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover Summary References

Chapter 5: Microaggressions in Social Work Discover Overview What Did He Essentially Point out?

Microaggression as a Procure of Oppression Classes of Microaggressions Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover Summary

References Share III: Racial/Cultural Id Pattern

Chapter 6: Racial/Cultural Minority Id Pattern

Overview Who Am I? Racial/Cultural Id Pattern Models

Working Racial/Cultural Id Pattern Model Who Am I—White or Sunless? Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover

Summary References

Chapter 7: White Racial Id Pattern

Overview “What Does It Point out to Be White?” The Invisible Whiteness of Being Thought the Dynamics of Whiteness

Models of White Racial Id Pattern The Technique of White Racial Id Pattern: A Descriptive Model Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover

Summary References

Share IV: Discover Dimensions of Multicultural Social Work

Chapter 8: Barriers to Effective Multicultural Scientific Discover Overview Cultural Barriers: A Case Example

Generic Characteristics of Counseling and Treatment Sources of Conflict and Misinterpretation in Scientific Discover Generalizations and Stereotypes: Some Cautions

Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover Summary


References Chapter 9: Cultural Styles in Multicultural Intervention Suggestions

Overview “Speaking from My ‘Cultural Home’ ”: A Case Example Conversation Styles

Nonverbal Conversation Sociopolitical Facets of Nonverbal Conversation Differential Skills in Multicultural Social Work Discover

Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover Summary References

Chapter 10: Multicultural Household Social Work Interventions

Overview Household Life, Psychological Neatly being, and Culture: A Case Look Household Methods Approaches and Assumptions

Factors in Working with Racial/Ethnic Minority Families Multicultural Household Social Work: A Conceptual Model Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover

Summary References

Chapter 11: Religion, Spirituality, and Indigenous Programs of Therapeutic

Overview Religion, Spirituality, and Social Work Training Spiritual Affiliation and Ethnic Id

Spiritual Assessments in Social Work Discover Indigenous Spirituality and Therapeutic Spirit Attacks: The Case of Vang Xiong The Legitimacy of Culture-Sure Syndromes: Nightmare Deaths and the Hmong Sudden Loss of life Phenomenon

Causation and Spirit Possession Shaman as Therapist: Commonalities Solutions of Indigenous Therapeutic

Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover Summary References

Chapter 12: Multicultural Organizational Alternate: Antiracist Discover and Social Justice Overview The build apart Procure Social Employees Procure Social Work?

Monocultural versus Multicultural Organizational Views in Social Work Models of Multicultural Organizational Pattern Culturally Competent Social Provider Agencies

Antiracist Discover and Social Justice Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover


Summary References

Chapter 13: Evidence-Based mostly mostly Multicultural Social Work Discover Overview From “Doing Merely” to “Doing Neatly”

What Is Evidence-Based mostly mostly Discover? Evidence-Based mostly mostly Discover with Customers of Shade Empirically Supported Relationships

Implications for Multicultural Social Work Discover Summary References

Share V: Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with Numerous Populations

Chapter 14: Profiles of Numerous Populations Overview Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with African American citizens

Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with Asian American citizens and Pacific Islanders Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with Native American citizens/First International locations Peoples and Alaska Natives Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with Latinos/Hispanics

Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with Immigrants and Refugees Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with Biracial/Multiracial Folk Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with Ladies

Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with LGBT Folk Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with Older Adults Culturally Competent Social Work Discover with Folk with Disabilities

Summary References

Creator Index Self-discipline Index

Cease User License Agreement


List of Tables Desk 6.1

Desk 7.1

Desk 8.1

Desk 8.2

Desk 9.1

Desk 10.1

Desk 11.1

Desk 12.1


List of Illustrations Figure 1.1

Figure 3.1

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3

Figure 5.1





2nd Version


Multicultural Social Work Discover


A Competency-Based mostly mostly Method to Diversity and Social Justice

Derald Cruise Sue | Mikal N. Rasheed | Janice Matthews Rasheed


Copyright © 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Newsletter Files

Names: Sue, Derald Cruise, author. | Rasheed, Mikal N. (Mikal Nazir), author. | Rasheed, Janice M. (Janice Matthews), author.

Title: Multicultural social work follow : a competency-primarily primarily primarily based methodology to change and social justice / Derald Cruise Sue, Mikal N. Rasheed, Janice M. Rasheed.

Description: 2nd edition. | Hoboken, Unique Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, [2016] | Contains bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2015039153 (print) | LCCN 2015036774 (ebook) | ISBN 9781118551110 (pdf) | ISBN 9781119097525 (epub) | ISBN 9781118536100 (pbk.)

Issues: LCSH: Social work with minorities–United States. | Minorities–Products and companies for–United States. | Spoiled-cultural counseling–United States.

Classification: LCC HV3176 .S84 2016 | DDC 361.3/208900973–dc23 LC chronicle on hand at

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PREFACE Multicultural Social Work Discover is a textual scream that highlights the necessity for social workers and diversified human service consultants to fabricate a balanced working out of no longer easiest cultural variations mirrored in worldviews but also the sociopolitical dimensions of culturally competent care. The predominant thesis of this book is that many theories, concepts, and practices that expose social work and diversified human service interventions are most continuously rooted in and replicate the dominant values of the elevated society. As a result, particular interventions may per chance well also simply list cultural oppression and may per chance well also simply replicate primarily a Eurocentric worldview that can attain huge damage to culturally diverse potentialities and their communities. To be culturally competent, social work consultants needs in advise to free themselves from the cultural conditioning of their non-public and professional coaching, to brand and accept the legitimacy of assorted worldviews, to start up the system of creating culturally acceptable intervention techniques in working with a various clientele, and to turn out to be responsive to systemic forces affecting both them and their potentialities.

Though the discipline of social work is just not any longer unlike that of most helping professions, it has persistently been illustrious by its elevated community focal point; work in community-primarily primarily primarily based companies; and work with ecological approaches that possess other folks, communities, institutions, public policy, and a solid emphasis on advocacy and social justice. The settings where social workers characteristic are mighty broader than these of psychology and psychiatry, they most continuously present an advantaged space from which to offer culturally related companies and products.

The first edition of Multicultural Social Work Discover (written by Dr. Derald Cruise Sue) spoke to multicultural social work with potentialities (other folks, households, and teams) and client techniques (neighborhoods, communities, companies, institutions, and social insurance policies); remediation and prevention approaches; particular person-atmosphere models; equal procure admission to and different; and social justice complications. Two coauthors (Dr. Mikal N. Rasheed and Dr. Janice Matthews Rasheed—both social work professors and practitioners) were invited to collaborate with Sue in writing this 2d edition, which preserves key parts of the first edition to near a comprehensive working out of the philosophical, conceptual, and theoretical complications that support as the muse for multicultural social work with diverse populations. Further, the coauthored 2d edition extends these crucial parts with a brand recent chapter that addresses, among diversified issues, extreme stir theory, anti-oppressive social work follow models, and the theorem that of intersectionality (recognizing the intersection and affect of a few social neighborhood memberships on non-public identification). These additions make contributions to a deeper working out of the predominant parts of multicultural social work with diverse populations. In addition as to this recent chapter on social work views, there are two diversified chapters recent to the 2d edition. The 2d recent chapter is on microaggressions (sorts of interpersonal and environmental oppression in direction of marginalized populations), with illustrations of the diversified sorts of microaggression, along with social work case examples that handle the affect of microaggressive actions on diverse client populations. The third recent chapter on this edition discusses proof-primarily primarily primarily based follow and the significance of creating research-supported interventions with diverse potentialities. This chapter draws attention to the importance of pondering a client's characteristics, custom, and preferences in evaluate, intervention planning, and surroundings therapeutic targets. The 2d edition also aspects expanded discussion of religion, spirituality, and worldview. Further, it addresses emerging complications bearing on diverse populations, equivalent to women in the militia. At closing, on this recent edition of Multicultural Social Work Discover, many recent case examples advise complications, concepts, theories, paradigms, and follow approaches extreme to multicultural social work.

The organization of the chapters in the 2d edition differs from that in the first edition. One replace in the 2d edition is that every chapter begins with learning targets. These targets name what the reader will likely be ready to attain after learning and comprehending the chapter's scream. These targets are measurable and observable statements.

One other replace in the 2d edition is the inclusion of the 2015 Academic Protection and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) Core Competencies, mandated by the Council on Social Work Training (CSWE). Since 2008, CSWE has adopted a competency-primarily primarily primarily based training framework. On condition that this book is a social work textual scream, it’ll be important that its scream replicate the CSWE requirements. There are nine interrelated competencies and component habits statements in the 2015 EPAS, and this edition of Multicultural Social Work Discover presents attention to those competencies related to efficient multicultural social work follow. The related competencies (no longer the


component behaviors) are identified on the origin of every chapter.

A final replace mirrored in the organization of the chapters on this edition is that every has an outline and a summary allotment, and each ends with a listing of reflection and discussion questions. These questions allow the reader no longer easiest to replicate on the scream presented in the chapter but also to hunt the broader implications of the scream for diversified domains related to his or her professional construction as a multicultural social work practitioner.


ABOUT THE AUTHORS Derald Cruise Sue is a professor of psychology and training in the Division of Counseling and Scientific Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. He also holds an appointment with the College of Social Work. Sue served as president of the Society for the Psychological Look of Ethnic Minority Factors, the Society of Counseling Psychology, and the Asian American Psychological Association. Sue is currently a consulting editor for reasonably about a publications. He is the author of over 160 publications, including 19 books, and is well identified for his work on racism and antiracism, cultural competence, multicultural counseling and therapy, microaggression theory, the psychology of racial dialogues, and social justice advocacy. Three of his books, Counseling the Culturally Numerous: Belief and Discover, Microaggressions in Day to day Life, and Overcoming Our Racism: The Stir to Liberation are regarded as classics in the discipline. Sue's most most up-to-date research on racial, gender, and sexual orientation microaggressions has supplied predominant breakthroughs in working out how day after day slights, insults, and invalidations in direction of marginalized teams kind psychological damage to their psychological and physical health and kind disparities for them in training, employment, and health care. His most most up-to-date book, Bustle Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Thought and Facilitating Complex Dialogues on Bustle, guarantees so that you simply may possibly add to the nationwide debate on racial interactions. As proof of Dr. Sue's stature in the discipline, two research (1989 and 2012) of multicultural publications and students concluded that “impressively, Derald Cruise Sue is no doubt the most influential multicultural scholar in the USA.”

Mikal N. Rasheed is a professor of social work and the director of the Grasp of Social Work Program at Chicago Notify University. He is also the director of the Metropolis Alternate choices Institute at Chicago Notify; this institute is targeted on civic and community engagement initiatives and college-community partnerships.

He has a PhD in medical social work from Loyola University Chicago and a master's in social service administration from the University of Chicago College of Social Provider Administration. Sooner than joining the Chicago Notify faculty in 2006, he became chair of the undergraduate Justice Reviews and Social Work Division at Northeastern Illinois University. He formerly served on the faculty of the George Williams College of Social Work at Aurora University, and he became the director of the undergraduate social work program at Texas Southern University.

Sooner than entering academe, he became a social work administrator and practitioner in the areas of family companies and products and baby welfare in both Chicago and Houston. His particular areas of interest and expertise are inappropriate-cultural social work follow; social work ethics; family therapy; and social work follow with men, with a diversified focal point on African American men. He has conducted many workshops and seminars in tutorial institutions, community organizations, and faith-primarily primarily primarily based institutions on vary, racial dialogue, and racial reconciliation. He, along with his spouse, Janice Matthews Rasheed, has printed extensively in the areas correct talked about.

Rasheed is a licensed medical social worker and has maintained a medical social work follow for additional than twenty years, that specialize in men's complications, follow with of us of coloration, and couples and family therapy.

Janice Matthews Rasheed is a professor of social work at Loyola University Chicago's College of Social Work. Rasheed obtained her master's level in social work from the University of Michigan–Ann Arbor, and her PhD in social welfare from Columbia University in Unique York Metropolis. She became the co–predominant investigator for a multiyear research grant funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, evaluating demonstration initiatives and creating recent capabilities for unfortunate, noncustodial African American men. She has presented papers at professional conferences, written books, and printed book chapters and articles in professional journals on qualitative research, program planning, research and social work follow with African American men and their familie


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