which that it is probably going you’ll bear in mind audience

ENG 130 Module One Reading Response Template Interviewing the Text
Total this template by replacing the bracketed textual affirm with the relevant data.
Desire the textual affirm you can exhaust to your mission. Then, cloak why you selected that textual affirm: [for my project, I selected “Take a break” by Nicole peluse. I chose this topic because I found the topic extremely helpful and because I deal with stress every now and then I want to learn more about this topic so I can add it to my everyday life]
Establish the topic of the textual affirm: [The topic is about taking break, and this is also about how to manage stress and how to avoid the aftermath of stress]
Establish the genre of the textual affirm: [This is an informative article that explain and evaluate how to manage stress and avoid signs and repercussion of what stress can cause to our body, this incorporate information, explanation, and evaluation]
Record the creator’s cause: [The author purpose was to teach readers how to manage stress and how not to overwork themselves and give Example of things that the reader can do to enhance their daily lives from stressful situations and to also increase quality of life]
Identify the historical context of the textual affirm: [This article was written in the early 21st century it was a time when humans encountered swift technology boost, this time was explained to be a very dreadful time there is an extreme high stress level and rise in work pressure, which caused increase in mental health problems and balancing life and work]
Identify the cultural context of the textual affirm: [This article was composed in the context of normality; it explained the how the society value success and working hard even at the lowest and worst time of our lives and these articles fight normality and teaches culture that accept taking a break when needed]
Establish the core view of the textual affirm: [working hard to make money is good since we can’t avoid it, even most people already accept it and only look for a way to deal with it but it’s also important to know the our stress level and to also understand and know everything have a negative effects and this effect can reduce the quality of life and taking care of one’s physical and mental health is so important for stress]
Establish information of the textual affirm that are relevant to the core view:[thecreatorprovideproofoneasysuggestionsabouthowtopreservewatchoverstress“IfwearegoingtopreservewatchoverstressitisthemostnecessarytoclutchthesignsAllamericanshandlesstressotherwiseanditcouldmaybeprobablymaybemanifestin manywaysSomesignsofstressaresleeplessnesseffortunhappydigestiveconcernsfluctuationsinweight andbetterhealthcomponentssuchasheartdisease”(p3)pelusealsotalkabouthowwecan’tpreservealongwayflungfromstressnonethelessitforscramble’salsonecessarytobeattentivetoourstressrangesandtoalsoregardedasamericansarounduswhowouldbefacingstressalso“StressisaforscrambleunavoidablerealityoflifeMostfolkareattentivetoemphasiseandmassesevenmaintainadoptedwaysoffacingstressItlooksasifthewaysoftechnologysupposedtoinventourlivesmoreuncomplicated maintainnotsimplestincreasedoursocietaltrudgenonethelessourstressbesidesItisanecessitytoacknowledgeandactivityournon-publicstressrangeswhilerealizingthatsomearounduswouldmaybemaybemaintainstresstoo whetherornot they’rekeepingtrudgewithus”(p1)ThecreatoralsoprovideinsightonwhentoexplainNOwhenthingsdeveloptobetoodemandingandradiantanddealingoutwhatthatyoucantackle“Situationupyourexpectations)StressoccursDesignatethatyouhavetowellmaintaintheenergy to sighnowhenitbecomesoverwhelmingBelifelikeaboutwhatyouandyourresponsibilitiescantackleWegenerallyaddtoourpossessstressrangeswithourdesiretobeallthingstoallamericansLiftastepmeritandstrivetoclutchwherethevalueisinwhatyouhavetowellbetakingon”(p6)[theauthorprovideevidenceonhowtomanagestress“IfwearegoingtomanagestressitisimportanttoknowthesignsEveryonehandlesstressdifferentlyanditcanmanifestin manywaysSomesignsofstressaresleeplessnesspaindepressiondigestiveproblemsfluctuationsinweight andgreaterhealthissuessuchasheartdisease”(p3)pelusealsotalkabouthowwecan’tavoidstressbutit’salsoimportanttobeawareofourstresslevelsandtoalsoconsideredpeoplearounduswhomightbedealingwithstressalso“StressisatrulyunavoidablerealityoflifeMostpeopleareawareofstressandmanyevenhaveadoptedwaysofcopingwithstressItseemsasifthewaysoftechnologyintendedtomakeourliveseasier havenotonlyincreasedoursocietalpacebutourstressaswellItisimportanttoacknowledgeandprocessourpersonalstresslevelswhilerealizingthatsomearoundusmayhavestresstoo whetherornot theyarekeepingpacewithus”(p1)TheauthoralsoprovideinsightonwhentosayNOwhenthingsbecometoostressfulandknowingandunderstandingwhatyoucanhandle“Manageyourexpectations)StresshappensRealizethatyouhavethepower to saynowhenitbecomesoverwhelmingBerealisticaboutwhatyouandyourobligationscanhandleWeoftenaddtoourownstresslevelswithourdesiretobeallthingstoallpeopleTakeastepbackandstrivetounderstandwherethevalueisinwhatyouaretakingon”(p6)



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